Monday, August 20, 2012


What a lovely email to wake up on a morning to.
It read:
"I have just finished reading 'The Twisting Vine', I just loved it, started crying on the last few pages, I loved the finish, such heart and mind you have. My husband and I were telling each other about the books we have just read, and I was telling him about this one, got towards to finish and started crying again, I was all choked up, ple
ase write a lot more books. This one is the first I have read, and I am looking for the rest of your books to read, wish me happy searching."

(This is the large print edition cover - from Ulverscroft and available through libraries).

Note: THE TWISTING VINE, was the title chosen by the publisher. But it was written under the author's working title of THROUGH GLASS EYES. Which title do you think is most appropriate?

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