Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sabias que? - Lady Florence Dixie

During my first visit to Punta Arenas on the Strait of Magellan in South America, I picked up a small tourist brochure.
Inside I found this tiny article which intrigued me.

The article reads:
The first Europeans to lay eyes on the Paine Range were Lady Florence Dixie, daughter of the seventh Marquis of Queensbury and her companions in 1878.
They had sailed from Liverpool and arrived in Punta Arenas, where they were provided with horses and provisions and explored the region for several weeks.
They made it all the way to the park and named the Tower Peaks "Cleopatras Needles".
This was a pioneer trip into the hitherto little known regions of Patagonia.
Florence Dixie, who authored several books including "Across Patagonia" (London 1880), died in 1907.

When I returned to Australia after my visit I managed to buy a copy of Lady Florence's book.
Reading her story inspired me to write THE CONDOR'S FEATHER.

Copy of article in magazine SOUTH PATAGONIA ADVENTURE - Go to: http://www.patagoniainteractiva.com

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