Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Condor's Feather discounted at Waterstone's

Venture into a truly inhospitable land at the tail end of the globe.

Yesterday I noted that The Condor's Feather was listed on Amazon.
It is also advertised on WH Smith's catalogue and at Waterstone's for pre-order.
However, the best deal is currently offered by Waterstone's where it can be ordered for for ₤13.29 (the RRP is ₤18.99).
Orders will be shipped in July.

Here is the book's blurb which appears on Amazon:

Thia Beresford, bored with the demands of nineteenth century society, decides to forego the luxuries of Huntingley and embark on a riding expedition across the pampas of Patagonia. Accompanied by her father, brother, a playwright, two servants and her Newfoundland dogs, Thia joins the ship in Liverpool.
On board she is intrigued by a mysterious Welshman, Euan Davies, and when they disembark in South America, she is pleased that he agrees to act as their guide.
But after only a week in the saddle Davies' disturbing secret starts to unravel and Thia's party soon find themselves embroiled in a deadly game of cat and mouse with a group of dangerous prison escapees.
Beset by Indians, inhospitable terrain, pampas winds and mountain lions, is it possible this mismatched group of travellers can survive?

Photo: If you look closely at the top photo you can see a cruise ship near the base of the glacier. That gives some idea of the grand dimensions.

I took this photo on the Strait of Magellan

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