Thursday, November 01, 2007

Mini-field of Pink Ladies - Breast Cancer Fundraiser

I was back in Beaconsfield about 10 days ago to support their Breast Cancer Mini-field event.
This type of event is held throughout Australia and the money raised goes to Breast Cancer research.
The ideas is that Pink Ladies are purchased/sponsored and then 'planted' in a local park or field.
I 'planted' my pink lady in memory of my sister, Barbara Boasman.

And I was back in Beaconsfield again today to give a talk on my inspiration for writing to the Cancer Support and Social Group.
I now find myself signed up for the Launceston Relay for Life - another cancer fundraising event.
The relay is a 24 hour walk/run around an oval.
Teams from various groups and organisations throughout the region compete.
Although this is a baton event and no one has to run for 24 hours, it's just as well it's not on until next March as that gives me a few months to get fit!
Photo: MM at Beaconsfield mini-field day

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:52 pm

    Dear Margaret,

    It was nice to meet with you today, I hope you liked the scenic spots we visited. I trust this won't be the last time we go touring, my wife enjoyed meeting you also. Mike. PS. goodluck with your new book.
