Thursday, November 22, 2007

The craft of writing missing at Deloraine Fair

Deloraine on the Meander River Valley in the north of Tasmania is home to one of the best craft fairs in Australia.
This year it held its 27th Annual event. It ran for 4 days early in November and being new to Tasmania, I couldn't resist a visit.
On display at the 200 stalls, I saw no shortage of local and interstate crafts plus a display of Japanes themed attractions.
But for me, however, there was one thing lacking.
There were no writers present (to my knowledge). And no signed books to purchase.

My point is: if writing is a craft then surely it should be represented.I realize writers don't make much money, but there are many crafts people who don't get rightly rewarded for the time and effort they put into their work.
I also know that the cost of stalls is not cheap.
Perhaps, however, there is a group of writers who would like to showcase their writing and share a stall next year at Deloraine.
Worth a thought - isn't it?
Photo: Main street, Deloraine - Quamby Bluff in distance MM


  1. There was a writers group at Deloraine a few years ago. I don't know if they're still active. (If I see my father over Christmas I might ask.) Although I'm more interested in the activity (or lack thereof) of writing groups in Launceston :(

    (been lurking for a few months, since just before you moved actually, somehow I ended up here when I was looking for something on tall ships)

  2. Thanks for your comment, Monissa.
    It can be a small world on the web.

    I did belong to a writers' group in Perth before I moved to Launceston.
    At the moment I'm not in the right mind-set to get involved again.
    It is quite a big commitment to do it properly.
    Best wishes,
