Saturday, October 27, 2007

French landing at Recherche Bay

When I travelled to the Far South Wilderness Camp I knew little or nothing about the French impact on Tasmania.
During an evening around the campfire, the group was treated to a history lesson, by local historian, Paddy Prosser.
I discovered that two French ships in search of La Pereuse, landed near the mouth of the Esperance River.
It was an expeditionary party who interacted well with the local aborigines.
Many place names in the area reflect the French visit even though it was fairly brief.
To create atmosphere, Paddy dressed eight of the students in French costumes - seamen, revolutionaries - aristocrats - and concluded the evening with songs which she had written telling tales of the men and of the old sailing ships.
Photo: Paddy Prosser and group of students from the Huon region.

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