Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Far South Wilderness - Tasmania

Being Author in Residence at the Camp was a great experience for me.
My previous expeiences as an author had been limited to talks at clubs and libraries. And mainly to adult audience.
I had never been involved with an extended three day event and had not been involved with school students.
Having accepted the challenge and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, I will be looking at other similar opportunities.
I guess you are never too old to try something new!
Photo: Peak overlooking Strathblane with some snow remaining on top


  1. Anonymous1:19 pm

    I like your site, i'm Catherine i was on the far south wilderness camp it was great to work with you there and i hope i get more opportunitys like that. i hope that you are enjoying living in Tasmania.

  2. Anonymous1:33 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi Catherine,

    Thank you for your postings.
    I’ve only just got around to the computer at 4.00pm as I have been painting the kitchen today.
    Tonight I’m off to a writers’ meeting in Launceston.
    I don’t know any local writers so it might be an opportunity to meet a few.

    I had an email from the Camp organiser, saying that the feedback was good and that everyone enjoyed the camp and benefitted from it.
    I certainly enjoyed it and would like to do some more similar things.

    When I left the camp I headed up to Hobart and spent the next morning looking around the sity and visiting the wharf and Maritime Museum.
    I must come back to visit Hobart again before too long.

    I hope that eventually all the stories that were written at the camp are published in an anthology.
    That would make a good memory of the Far South Wilderness.


  4. Hi Again Catherine,
    I took your second message off the board as it had your email address on and I didn't know if you wanted it shown to everyone on the WWW.
