If you glance at this picture quickly you could be mistaken into thinking it's a scene from a snowy landscape or a picture of a large frozen lake.
Or it could be an Arctic seascape with a line of ice-covered mountains in the background.
Or that's the way I see it (with just a little imagination)!

But as the full picture below reveals, it's just cloud sitting in the valley.
And hidden beneath it is the winding Tamar River.

And finally - a few days later, an early morning without mist.
That looks beautiful Marg.
How ya keeping? It's pretty cold down here today, probably be snowing on Bluff Knoll but I don't think I will brave the sleet and hail to get there. :)
Hi Col,
What a nice surprise to get your comment.
I'm fairing pretty well but there's still a big hole in my life.
Maybe I need some GRAVITY - Does it give you a lift?
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