This is the first feedback I have had for my latest novel - published 30 August.
I'm very pleased.
The Black Thread by Margaret Muir - Book Review
This is a very sensitive and dramatic story set in 1898, in and around Leeds and the historic area of Saltaire on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal.
The main character Amy longs to meet the father that left home before she was born. The story gave you a true feeling of factuality, rather than fiction.
You get an insight into Leeds and Liverpool Canal bargees and woolen mill worker’s community life during those hard times and Amy’s relationship with the canals and Victorian industrial worker’s poverty.
The supporting characters subtly appear out of the pages right at the beginning of the book and keep turning up, some like bad pennies!
I thoroughly enjoyed this well written book with its mysterious twists and shocking turns and would thoroughly recommend it.
Jean Beven, JeGraNet.com
The review appeared on the website of www.canalcuttings.co.uk - a canal and narrowboat website.
Photo: (author) by Rob Dunn taken at Hungerford 2006
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Still having difficulty getting into blog.
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