There is something mysterious about the sea.
Its physical effect can be destructive.
It’s visual image, calming.
Over the ages young men have been drawn to it, never questioning its dangers, never wanting to leave. And the sea has held them in its grip till they have given up their souls to its depths.
But what is it about the sea that draws them? Is it the mystery, the awe, the emptiness?
Is it the chance to witness the power of nature – untamed and unchanged over the millennia?
Consider this seaman’s view:
‘How beautiful she is,’ he said, gazing at the water. ‘La mer. So like a woman.’ His body tensed. ‘Look.’ he said, ‘how soft and flat she lies in the night. Smooth, like silk. Black. Beguiling.’ His tongue touched his lips. ‘I can taste her salt. And listen,’ he said, his voice barely a whisper. ‘Listen. Hear her breathe. Softly. Slowly.’ He paused. ‘She sleeps.’
In these lines from my historical novel, Sea Dust, I have tried to convey that intangible effect the sea has on some men.
It was not an easy task, but if I have captured something of the essence of the ocean, I am pleased.
Two independent pre-release comments say:
“This story inspires the reader to begin their own sea-faring adventure.” (Nicole Biber, Melbourne, AU)
“…for one who has never sailed, I found myself wondering what it would be like to be at sea."
(Marie Hohrmann, Perth, AU)
If you would like to read more about Sea Dust please visit my website at http://www.margaretmuirauthor.com
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