Saturday, December 27, 2014

Released - THE UNFORTUNATE ISLES - Book 4 in Under Admiralty Orders series.

Having set the goal of publishing the latest nautical fiction book before Christmas, I'm pleased to announce that THE UNFORTUNATE ISLES was released, as an e-book on Amazon, 3 days before Xmas.
The paperback edition will follow in a few weeks.

The day after Christmas the following 5 star review appeared on Amazon:

 "Muir has become a favourite author and I have enjoyed this latest work thoroughly. Well researched and written in a style which suits my tastes perfectly, this book fulfils exactly what I expected from this author and this fourth in the series is a work of perfection.
You will NOT be disappointed in this book and it will keep you reading. I could hardly put it down and admit I read it too quickly the first time around and am now going back for a second more careful enjoyment. The only criticism I can offer is that I want more! I would prefer a much longer book by this author who has clearly mastered the craft of nautical fiction.
How could we ever get enough of the magic of shipmates so perfectly portrayed which fits even into modern era? If you are a sailor or have ever been in the military on long lonely deployments this author will keep you reading. A FINE JOB."

Thank you, HMB, for taking the time to post a review.
I hope others readers will also enjoy this story.

Here are the Amazon links:
For US readers:
For the Brits, here is the UK link



  1. I read the news aubout the releae of "THE UNFORTUNATE ISLES" on 24th of December over at Historic Naval Fiction and bought a digital copy afterwards. I look forward to read it after enjoying the Oliver Quintrell trilogy a lot.

  2. I hope you enjoy the journey. MM
