Friday, November 16, 2012

An (embroidery) Stitch in (Tudor) Time.

On wandering through the back door of Hampton Court Palace one finds a display of work by the ROYAL SCHOOL OF NEEDLEWORK. It is here, in one of the Palace apartments that EMBROIDERY CLASSES are conducted. You can learn Jacobean crewelwork, silk shading, basic goldwork (magnificent) and either canvas work or blackwork. Each module takes 8 days of tuition. There are over 70 course offered from 1 day (71 GBP) to Certificate, Diploma and 3 years in TRADITIONAL exquisite hand embroidery skills as such that decorated the garments of Tudor kings and Queens.
The RSN is the only organisation in the world to teach western embroidery at this level.
To learn more go to or you can visit them on Facebook.

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