Monday, August 20, 2012

SEA DUST (revised) paperback - Reviewed on HNS

Just discover this review of SEA DUST by Rachel Malone on behalf of Historical Novel Society.
Make no mistake; Sea Dust is a gritty book. There’s an edge to Margaret Muir’s writing that makes you feel every bit of emotion experienced by Emma Quinlan. From the death and burial of her infant
daughter, to the cramped conditions in the tiny sailor’s loft; to the terror she feels at sea, the reader is experiencing everything along with the character.

Sea Dust is absolutely gripping. Muir’s talent for writing is so good you can almost feel the salt spray of the sea and smell the tar on the ship. Sea Dust is a highly recommended read.
Rachel Malone

Note: In July, SEA DUST was released as a Kindle edition through KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing).

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