Saturday, July 18, 2009

THE CONDOR’S FEATHER - Patagonian adventure – out now

In the centre of Punta Arenas, on the Strait of Magellan, stands a statue to, Ferdinand Magellan, the navigator who in 1520 named the sandy beach along which the town is now built.
Situated at the tail end of the earth, Punta Arenas has had a troubled history.
It was first settled by sealers and whalers, shipwrecked mariners, convicts running from the law, native Indians and treasure seekers.
Then in 1877 a riot resulted in much of the town being destroyed and families murdered in their homes.

In 1879, a real-life Englishwoman, Lady Florence Dixie, sailed to Sandy Point (as the English called it) and embarked on a ride across the pampas accompanied by her brother, the Marquis of Queensbury and a friend.
When I visited the town a few years ago, I read a snippet of information about this remarkable young aristocrat and was intrigued.
Inspired by her exploits, by the town’s history and by the remarkable landscape of southern Patagonia, I wrote THE CONDOR’S FEATHER – an equestrian adventure set in 1885.

THE CONDOR'S FEATHER is now available at your local library or can be ordered from The Book Depository (free world-wide postage) or Hale Books (free UK postage)

For more about THE CONDOR’S FEATHER press here

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