Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Coming soon - The Condor's Feather by Margaret Muir

When a group of mismatched English aristocrats embark on a voyage to South America, they do not realise what is in store for them.
Beset by Pampas winds, Indians, inhospitable terrain, mountain lions and escaped convicts, they must battle to survive their treck across the Pampas of Patagonia.
Travelling with them are two Newfoundland dogs - Bella and Byron.
Share their joy and pain and find out what happens at the tail end of the world.

THE CONDOR'S FEATHER is due July 2009.
To order at a BIG discount price and with FREE WORLDWIDE DELIVERY go to:
UK buyers can order postage free from the publisher

For more about the story behind the writing of the book go to 'The Condor Feather' Squidoo page on the link below

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