Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lady Nelson rekindles memories of tall-ship sailing

The local paper carried an article advertising that the Lady Nelson was visiting Launceston for a week.
Nowadays the replica ship only sails to the north of Tasmania once a year.
As it is a few years since I sailed on a tall ship, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to join her for a short sail on the river.
Little did I know what it would lead to.
Doing the tourist thing, I paid my $15 and boarded.

Stepping aboard brought back memories of my tall ship sailing days on the Leeuwin in Western Australia and the 23 day clipper voyage across the Atlantic.

For more information on The Lady Nelson and the Tasmanian Sail Training Association go to: LADY NELSON

Pic:Lady Nelson on the Tamar north of Launceston (Tasmania)
Yours truly as paying passenger

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