Friday, March 27, 2009

The Book Depository offers free postage worldwide

The Book Depository is an on-line bookshop which not only gives discount prices but provides Free Worldwide Delivery.

They are currently advertising The Condor's Feather for:
£14.24 - Save £4.75 - RRP £18.99
That is cheaper than I will be able to buy it from my publisher's agent in Australia.

I have mentioned Waterstone's catalogue price in an earlier post.
They are selling the book for £1 cheaper then The Book Depository, but then overseas postage costs may be in the realm of £7.
If you live in the UK you have choice of on-line booksellers including the publisher, Hale Books, who offers free postage within the UK.
But when you live overseas you have to shop around.

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