Monday, July 28, 2008

Santiago to Valparaiso by bus

After flying into Santiago (Chile), I took a local bus to one of the city’s bus terminals.
As I could speak no Spanish and they could speak no English I did have some problems but I managed to get a connecting coach to take me to Vina del Mar near Valparaiso on the coast – 3 hours drive away.
The cost about $7. The taxis or tourist coaches charge you about $100.
I’d booked a room in a modest hotel in the seaside resort over the Internet. When I arrived they didn’t have my booking.
Again there was some language difficulty but I managed and found everyone most helpful.
I spent two nights there.
From Vina del Mar there was a local bus to Valparaiso about 5 miles away.
Cost about $1.
Photo: Apartments on seafront at Vina del Mar

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