Saturday, October 27, 2007

Kit of Cloudy Bay - Franklin Wooden Boat

Driving north to Hobart, I stopped at the little town of Franklin.
I had heard on the ABC that the renowned boat building yard had launched its latest craft that morning.
As I drove up I was delighted to see Kit of Cloudy Bay (named after the owner's mother) making its second trial on the water.
The hull, I believe, was crafted from Huon Pine, a rare timber which grows at only 1 ml at year. Some of the timber in the area is over 2000 years old.
No wonder the Greenies are adverse to the logging of the old growth forests!
Photo: Launch day for Kit of Cloudy Bay

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:52 pm

    Such a beautiful boat! Built from a fallen tree not a felled tree.
