In the last week a group of authors, published by Robert Hale Ltd in London, got together to produce a regular Blog, and to communicate via a Yahoo forum.
Though the writers come from far and wide – UK and Europe, New Zealand, Australia and USA – they are united in a common goal, namely to promote their books and learn from in each other in such areas as publicity and promotion.
Writing is a very solitary business, therefore there is a certain camaraderie in being able to contact fellow authors who reside within the same publishing house.
You can find the Hale Authors blog at http://www.haleauthors.blogspot.com
If you are a Hale author and would like to join the Yahoo group and blog go to: haleauthors@yahoo.com
Photo 2008: Author in the grounds of the old Seaman's Hospital at Greenwich. The building was designed by Sir Christopher Wren. It now houses the National Maritime Museum.
I visited Greenwich last year and used this location in one of my novels